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REI dividends - What did you buy?

I went to REI today to use up the dividends that I accrued for last year.  I bought a new cookpot.  I did not buy the stove, but the COOKPOT only.

What did you buy with your dividend?


  1. I'm holding on to my dividend for now...Waiting until something comes up that I really need. If I'm lucky and no gear breaks before the dividend expires I'll probably just pick up some food for the trail. Did you end up keeping the cookpot?


  2. I still have it here... but I am going to return it when I get a chance to visit REI. Unfortunately there is no REI here in San Antonio. So I will wait for a visit to Austin. I am almost certain of what I will buy though. This is going to be for the Container home.

    From REI: Camp Chef Denali 3-Burner Grill/Stove
    Oven attachment: Coleman Camp Oven

  3. That's an impressive stove. I could see you being very popular around A.T. shelters if you ever took that on the trail!



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